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Oct 5, 2012

Aloevera Gelly

Aloe vera Gelly
Aloe Vera Gelly
      Price:960 Taka (Eqv.12$)
Historically, a major use of aloe vera was to aid in soothing minor skin irritations. Many households kept a live aloe, or “burn plant” for first-aid use. Essentially identical to the aloe vera’s inner leaf, our 100% stabilized aloe vera gel lubricates sensitive tissue safely. Specially prepared for topical application to moisturize, soothe and condition, Aloe Vera Gelly is a thick, translucent gel containing humectants and moisturizers. Readily absorbed by the skin, it soothes without staining clothes.

Aloe Vera Gelly provides temporary relief from minor skin irritations. It can also be used on the skin prior to ultrasonic treatment, or after electrolysis. Hairdressers use the Gelly around the hairline to protect the skin before perming and coloring.

From your bathroom cabinet to your first-aid kit, and from the kitchen to the campsite – Aloe Vera Gelly is an ideal companion for skin that needs a little extra care. 

  • Quickly soothes the skin 
  • Does not stain clothing 
  • Ideal for any first-aid kit


Unknown said...

This is nice blog and unique information related to aloevera jelly.It helps to prevent skin care problems.Thanks for sharing such information.

Unknown said...

Happy thanks for your comment and also thank to like my page.

Unknown said...

Hi! I am a great aloe vera fun! It is beautiful, has nice smell, and can heal almost everything. :) I am sure that aloe vera gelly works perfectly!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comments.Get more inspire about Aloe vera like my FB page .

Pusat Obat Herbal Asia said...

salam kenal. Ternyata lidah buaya byk manfaatnya ya. Selain buat rambut jg bisa.

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